
Input & Output Devices

Linux Operating system

Linux Operating system

Linux is a high performance, yet completely free, Unix-like operating system, which is suitable for use on a wide range of computers and others products. Most of its versions like Fedora Core, Ubuntu etc. consist of kernel accompanied by hundreds of free utilities and application programs in a coordinated package. In language of computers, a kernel is the central component of most of the operating systems acting as a bridge between application and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel’s responsibilities include managing the system’s resources i.e., communication between hardware and software components. Unlike the windows by Microsoft, Linux is developed and maintained collaboratively; which means that no single organisation is fully responsible for its development and support. Various companies work together on its Research & Development and share a common economic platform with one other. Companies such as RedHat, SuSe, and Mandriva are now providing packaged distribution of Linux, meant for mass consumption. Linux is slowly growing as a touch competitor against windows. Linux is very stable as compared to windows. In Linux, every single application is independent of each other and are free of cost. Hardly 1% of the applications, which are exclusively for business purpose cost something. Linux is very safe as compared to windows.
