
Input & Output Devices

fundamentas of internet

Fundamentals of internet

The rapid increase in the use of computers in almost every walk of life has generated the need to use the same data at different location. One way of doing it is to keep the same data files at separate locations across the globe. This involves frequent transferring of data from one computer to multiple computers which are present at the same or distant locations. The continuous data transfer is a costly affair which results in redundancy of data and increases storage cost.

Data communication means sending data electronically from one computer to another. It involves linking of computers, which allows the resources of one computer to be shared by the other.

Computer located within the same complex can communicate through a cable. But the computers which are located at far-away locations use a telecommunication system for data communication. For e.g. in case of banking or reservation system, communication facilities like telephone systems or microwave relays are used to send data. With a telecommunication system, we can electronically mail a message from one place to another and receive the replay immediately. 
