
Input & Output Devices

function of an operating system

Functions of an Operating System

Memory Management
a.       It keeps tracks of primary memory i.e. what part of it are in use by whom, what part are not in use etc.
b.      In multiprogramming it decides which process will get memory when and how much.
c.       Allocates the memory when the process or program request it to do so.
d.      Declaims the memory when the process no longer needs it or has been terminated.

Processor Management
a.       Keep tracks of processor and status of process program that does this is called traffic controller.
b.      In multiprogramming it decides which process gets the processor when & how much time. This function is called process scheduling.
c.       Allocate the processor (CPU) to a process.
d.      Deallocate processor when processor is no longer required.

Device Management
a.       Keeps tracks of all devices. This is also typically the I/O controller.
b.      Decides which process gets the device when & for how much time.
c.       Allocate the efficient way.
d.      Deallocate devices.

File Management
i.                    It keeps tracks of information, its location, user, status etc. the collective facilities often knows as file system.
ii.                  Decides who gets the resources.
iii.                Allocates the resources.
iv.                 Deallocates the resources.

By means of passwords & similar other techniques preventing unauthorized access to more than critical time then operating systems stop execution of some process.

Control Our System Performance
Recording delays between request for a services & response from the system, if delay time is more than critical time then operating system stop execution of some process.

Job Accounting
Keeping track of time & resources used by various jobs and/or users.

Interaction with the Operators
The Interaction takes place via the console of the Computer  in the form of instructions from the operators acknowledging the same, action thereon, as well as informing the operations by means of a displays screen of works & problem encountered.

Error-Detecting Aids
Production of dumps, traces, error messages and other debugging and error-detecting aids is done by operating systems.

Coordination Between Other Software’s and Users
Coordination and assignment of compilers, and other software’s to the various users of the computer systems. 
