
Input & Output Devices



Pronoun means “ for a noun ”. It is a word used instead of a noun-it is of the same person, gender and number as the noun for which it is used.
For Example :
a.       I saw a lovely child. It was weeping.
b.      Munna made a noise. He was punished.

Types of Pronouns

1.       Personal Pronouns
2.       Reflexive Pronouns
3.       Relative Pronouns
4.       Interrogative Pronouns
5.       Indefinite  Pronouns
6.       Distributive Pronouns
7.       Demonstrative Pronouns

·        Personal Pronoun :
A Personal pronoun is a word that stands for a person. As there are three persons. The personal pronouns are also of three persons.
For Example :
a.       This camera is yours.
b.      A friend mine went there.

First Person :It stands for the person speaking.
For Example:I, my, me, we, our, us, mine, ours
Second Person :It stands for the person spoken to.
For Example :You, Yours, yourself, yourselves, thou, thy
Third Person :It stands for the person spoken of.
ForExample :He, She, It, They, His, Her, Him, Hers, Theirs

Note : The possessive Pronouns, (mine, ours, yours, hers, theirs) are used without nouns .
For Example :
1.       This camera is yours.
2.       A friend of mine went there.

·        Reflexive Pronouns :
Pronoun that refer the action of the subjects on the subjects itself is called the reflexive pronoun. The reflexive pronouns are used.
a.       To reflect or show that the doer does something or himself
b.      To lay more emphasis on the pronouns.

·        Relative pronouns :
A Relative Pronoun are refers to some noun or pronoun. Going before and joining two sentences. The noun or pronoun to which it refers or relates is called its Antecedent.
For Example :
a.       I meet a boy. He gave me book.
b.      I meet a boy who gave me a book.

·        Interrogative Pronoun :
An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun that is used in asking a question.
For Example :
a.       Who is Knocking at the door ?
b.      Whom do you want to see ?
c.       Whose pen is this ?
d.      What do you want ?

·        Indefinite Pronouns :
Indefinite pronouns don’t refer particular persons or thing. They refers to persons or things in a general way.
For Example :
a.       All have done their homework.
b.      Both of them were present were present there.
c.       Some of them have gone there.
d.      He has enough and to spare.

·        Distributive Pronouns :
Distributive pronouns refers to persons or things, one at a time. They are always followed by verbs in singular Number. They point to the persons or things taken individually or in separate groups.
For Example:
a.       Each of the girls has pen in her hand.
b.      Everyone of you will get a prize.
c.       Either of these roads leads to our college.

·        Demonstrative Pronouns :
A Demonstrative Pronoun is one which it refers.
For Example :
a.       This is a pen.
b.      That is a college.
c.       Those are books.
d.      Those are books.

